Dienstag, 18. August 2009

Back in childhood

Dear Buckeyes,

Yesterday we went into the public library of Blue Ash to borrow some books for children.

The library of Blue Ash is divided in different sections like in Germany too. The section for kids is adapted for children. In other words the size of the racks is downsized so the kids can reach everey book. There are also playgrounds for the children, where they can paint and so on.

We should take two books from the kids section. I've taken "Planes" and "Grandfather's Shape Story".

"Planes" was directed to children, which want to inform about planes themselves. I estimate to children in the age of 8 until 10. It is written in an explaining style, easy to read and understand. In my childhood I read those books in german, so "Planes" was similar to them with lots of pics and drawings. I think not all kind of children would rese those books, only these kids, which interested in aviation and technology.

"Grandfather's Shape Story" is a creative tangram story. It's about a rooster, which is scared cause he would be eaten by a fox. So the rooster asks a man, if he coul help him. The man helped the rooster to escape from the fox, as consideration the man has one wish free and the man thought about the different wishes he have. But the story has an open end, so that the children themself could determine the end of the story. The text is written in a simple style and was quite easily to understand. Beside the text are pictures build up with the tangram shapes, so the children could get creative impressions about abstract thinking. I don't have read such a combination yet, so I have no compare to such a book. The book is written for all kind of children at the age of 3 up to 5.

So see you soon,

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Thommy,

    You chose two very interesting books, that appealed to you, which is a good idea. Do you think that the open ending of the shape story would appeal to children, or do they want to have an ending told to them?

    See you tomorrow,
